Thursday, January 17, 2013

Turning the page....

     As you can tell, its been some time since I have posted a new blog.  However, the thoughts of writing a new one has been tempting me for a while now, and what better day to do one than today.
     Life is full of wild coaster rides, which many take it to be a bad thing, in reality, however, it is not.  It allows your mind and body to flow, given whatever the circumstances may be, in ways that can only be determined by ones self.  Personally, I believe we should all welcome these changes, or coasters per se, as it keeps us from being "bored" with our lives.  If one becomes too bored, so to speak, then they tend to focus on things that cannot always be good; yet, there are times it does enable our brains to kick into a good imagination stage.  By keeping ourselves focused on the things that need to be accomplished, is like the saying 'One is not idle because one is absorbed. There is both visible and invisible labor.  To contemplate is to toil, to think is to do.  The crossed arms work, the clasped hands act. The eyes upturned to Heaven are an act of creation.' (Victor Hugo a French romantic Poet, Novelist and Dramatist, 1802-1885 * Source of quote can be found at:  My grandparents also had a saying that "Busy hands are happy hands", which is also true, as you are keeping busy with what you need to be really doing and what you should not worry about.
      I will admit, I, too, have become bored as I sit at home awaiting the arrival of family members.  As beings I am unable to drive, or shall I also say, it may not be wise for me to drive due in part to an (as of yet) undiagnosed reasoning of 24/7 vertigo, along with some other health issues.  Albeit known though, I do the best I can with being "stuck" at home, and I can have a house clean--dishes done, vaccummed home, dusting, and etc--in less than two hours.  I, also, find plenty of time to spend with our animal companions, and they seem to love all the super duper extra attention they receive.  Okay enough with the health stuff back to what I was saying.
    Not many people can embrace the "turning the page" idea.  You may be asking yourself, what does she mean by turning the page.  It is not something that I can describe very easily but is more along the line of doing something different if you start to feel something negative coming upon or around you.  You cannot or should not allow yourself to be drug down into feeling like you can't do something, when in fact you might want to look at a dilema as if ..."Well, at least I can still do _________ ", the line meaning whatever it is thats not bad, for instance, stand or walk.  Everyone, everywhere, has some sort of thing they are dealing with, but you can become stronger by acknowledging the things that are positive in your life.  You could have a whole list of not so good things going on right now, but you can also have a whole slew of things that are positive in your life.  I even think ONE positive thing in your life outweighs any negative.

     The question to you is, do you think you can change your outlook to invite and welcome in more positivity in your life than what it may have been recently?  It will not be easy, especially if you haven't tried for a while.  Life can be pretty demanding and overwhelming some days, but the best you can do for yourself, is find any positive light, hold onto it, "Turn the page" and you will get to experience a better tomorrow.

     Before I close out todays blog, I will say that some people I personally know, think I am too much of an optimistic.  But I am both an optimistic and a realist.  I understand the things (on good days) that are going on around me; yet, I know that I cannot dwell on stuff that I have no answers to or that allows my positive nature to be brought down.  I was raised with the saying that "we may not have money, but we have family and humor", which has allowed me to stay strong in everything that I do, as well as I have made sure that this same phrase is known by my own children. 

     Now, that you know a little about why I am the creature of optimism, I will leave you with this youtube video of Tommie Orr and his inspiration for this blog piece.  Enjoy!

May you have a great day!

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